1. When is the assessment tax bill sent?
The Assessment Tax Bill will be sent to owners no later than the second week of January for the first
½ of the year and no later than the second week of July for the second ½ of the year. In the event
that the bills are not received during those months, owners may personally approach the Valuation
division of the Kuala Pilah District Council. Owners who have not received the latest bill are required
to bring along old bills for checking of the Property Account number and Address.
2. How is the assessment tax charged?
It is done through valuation process based on the gazetted annual value and percentage rate. The
"Annual Value" refers to the reasonable annual rental gross estimation which is expected to be
acquired from year to year from the holding in the event it was rented out.
3. How should the payment be made?
Payment can be made in cash at the MDKP payment counter.
4. The payment period for general assessment tax?
The assessment tax can be paid twice a year which is by or before 28 February for the first ½ of the
year and by or before 31 August for the second ½ of the year. In the event the owner wishes to
pay the annual tax they can pay before the 28 February of that particular year.
5. Actions taken if taxes are not settled?
The payment date to avoid from being penalised is; for the first ½ of the year from 1 Jan to 28
February and for the second ½ of the year from 1 July to 31 August each year. Owners will be
charged with the late payment penalty for failing to settle payments within the stipulated period. Full
payment must be made 15 days after the demand notice is issued. If still failing to do so, a warrant
of attachment will be issued.
6. Why Does The Assessment Tax Need To Be Paid?
Collections from the assessment taxes are necessary to accommodate the expenditure of
the Council in providing services such as maintenance, recreational parks, grass cutting, street light
and places with public amenities for the wellbeing of the community.
7. Why Does My Assessment Tax Differ From My Neighbour?
The difference in values for assessment tax are due to:-
- Type of Building
- Floor Area
- Location
- Construction material
- Usage
OSC Online
1. Who is the OSC Online applicant?
The applicant is a qualified person who submits an application to the PBT in line with the related acts,
among others including architect, engineer, planner and land surveyor.
2. Does it necessary that the applicant registered with PBT?
The applicant registration is using the single sign on concept whereby the applicant fill up and
download the registration information only one-time at KPKT website and next to send it to own
choice of PBT website. For security aspect on the document and due to the fact that each PBT is an
own-planning authority, therefore they will generate their own password. The applicant is required
to use these username and password when dealing with related PBT
3. What are the downloaded plans and document format?
The downloaded plans and document are in the pdf format
4. Why in PDF format and not cadd file?
The application file is smaller and lighter and does not overload the system and storage system.
Besides that, no amendment can be made toward the plans and document by the reviewer.
5. Does the hardcopy is still required during implementation of the OSC Online?
1 to 3 complete set of document and plan is submitted as a proof of submission
6. When is the hardcopy being submitted?
Within 3 days after the document and plan is delivered through online when the send button is
7. Does the e-signature approach is being used in the OSC Online?
At this stage the applicant is still required to sign off the hardcopy which is sent as a proof of
submission and other plans that are ready to be endorsed for the e-signature official approval
issuance will be taking into account for the next improvement phase
8. How many days for OSC unit took to process the application?
5 calendar days by taking into account the hardcopy submission within 3 days from the application
delivery date through online.